Sunday, March 13, 2011

Some lovely candy at my friend's blog and 2 awards

My dear friend is having some great candy on her blog and she asked me to spread the word about it. So hop over Jasmina's blog have a look at her creations and enter yourself to her candy if you wish. There are some lovely things that you can win. *hint, hint* ;)

Also, I received 2 more blog awards. Aren't I one lucky person with amazing friends?! Thank you Leah Ann and Lynn. Hugs to both of you!!! Please visit their blogs if you have a moment. They are both very talented crafters and I love their blogs!

From Leah Ann I received The versatile blogger award.

As with other awards, also with this award come some rules. And these are:

1.) I need to thank the person who gave me this award. ~ I've already done this above, but let me say it again. Thanks a lot Leah Ann for this award! :)

2.) I need to write 7 things about myself. ~ Here we go ...
1. I am afraid of moths. (no idea why though, since I love butterflies O.o)
2. I love sunny days. (Who doesn't? lol)
3. I almost always listen to radio when I'm crafting.
4. I love penpalling and swapping.
5. I like doing jigsaw puzzles, but I'm ashamed to say there's one picture that's been waiting for me to finish it for about two years now. *blush*
6. I want to learn Spanish.
7. I like chinese food.

3.) I have to pass this award to 15 bloggers and let them now they received this award from me.
I would like to pass this award to the following bloggers:
2.) Dora
3.) Donna
6.) Hazel
7.) Janet
8.) Dana
10.) Grace
11.) Sarah
12.) Sandie
13.) Daniele
14.) Marg
15.) Lisa

These are all very creative ladies so stop by their blogs and share some love. :)

And from Lynn I've received Creative blog award. She made this award herself and I am the lucky person who received it. I'm honoured. Thanks hun!!! Of course I accept the award. I'll proudly display it on my blog! :D xx

This award doesn't have any special rules. The only rule is that if/when you receive this award you have to link back to the person who gave it to you and if you want, add a link to Lynn's blog too (though that's not a must unless you received this award from her).

I would like to pass this card on to Vicky, because her creations are simply amazing and I love checking out her blog!


  1. thanks so much for giving this award to me, i really appreceat that! I hope you don't mind that i do nothing with it, but i really like to get it!

  2. Thank you for this lovely award!!

  3. Thank you for thinking of me! x

  4. Thank you so much for thinking about me with this award. I will display it on my blog now
    hugs sarah x

  5. thank you for giving me an award thats really sweet of you and I'm flattered that you picked me.

  6. O wow I am so excited, thank you so much for thinking of me :) Hugs xxx

  7. Awww wow sweetie you have made my day & you should see the big smile I have on my face. I am truly soooo honoured you thought of me hun love you loads thank you sooo very much I will display it proudly sweetie.

    Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx
    P.S. I absolutely love chinese food as there is I think lol.

  8. Thank you so much for the award.



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